Links I found Nice/Cool/Good.... Headline...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


While surfing the net i came to know about

On rambhai, you can share/read links which you think are of interest to Desis (this is a term used to refer to people who have some form of association with the Indian sub-continent).
But "Who is Rambhai?"
According to About Us page of the site
"Well. Rambhai is your neighborhood chaiwalla. It could be the guy serving in your college, just outside your workplace, anywhere you take a break, have a chai/coffee/smoke and discuss anything under the sun. We aspire to be that place on the net. Specifically, the name is inspired by Rambhai, the chaiwalla outside IIM Ahmedabad, who predates most people on the campus and is a very liked and talked about personality including in the classroom case-discussions of IIM Ahmedabad. IIMA guys-n-gals hang out there (many more options of hanging out have since come up like the CT etc) and chat about wide-ranging topics of interest."

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